Side Event:
Culture: a sine qua non for peace:
Museums as Places of Wonder, Discovery, Openness to Others and Dialogue Between Cultures
21 November, 17:00 -18:00
Dar Batha Museum

H.E. Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos,
Under-Secretary General and High Representative, UNAOC

Mr. Mohammed Mehdi Qotbi,
President, National Foundation of Museum of Morocco

H.E. Mr. Anar Karimov,
Minister of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Mr. Juan March,
President, ONUART

Sir Nasser David Khalili,
Founder and Chairman of the Board, Khalili Foundation

H.E. Dr. Salim M. AlMalik,
Director General, Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO)

Dr. Ahmed Abbadi,
Secretary General of Rabita Mohammadia of the Ulemas of the Kingdom of Morocco

Ms. Antonella Caruso,
Executive Director, Vittorio Dan Segre Foundation in Lugano, Switzerland